Saturday, May 3, 2008


终于观赏了纪录片"THE 11th HOUR"......展现在眼前的惊心动魄的种种灾难,可说是追求文明(指方式、心态等)所付出的代价......说得好:人类会毁灭,地球不会毁灭,因为人类没有时间了,地球还有时间。地球没有了人类,地球还是存在......人类和地球、大自然是分不开的......一切的一切需要从爱心开始......
放映该纪录片是 YTL 主办的 Climate Change Week 的一项活动,地点是在 Sentul Park 的 KLPac,环境清优,离开大路需要一段路程。由於第一次到此,非常陌生,所以乘搭计程车前往。抵达目的地时,心想,待会儿要出去可会麻烦......果然不出所料,没有计程车可搭,这下只好漫步走出来。幸亏雨停了,来时下着雨。一边走一边想着:是否会有好心人停下来,让我们搭顺风车。走着走着,结果,还是 靠11号环保车走到大路口......

1 comment:

Unknown said...

How is it possible that earth still exist even though humans are extinct? Earth is earth because of humans. If there's no living brain, nobody would know whether there's earth or not, isn't it? Even if we speculate the existence of earth, without human beings, it would be a rock like any other planet. Unless you believe in aliens...